Formula | CaSO4 |
Origin | Obrigheim (Neckar), Germany |
Description | |
Classification (Lapis) | Sulfates |
Crystal System | orthorhombic |
Hardness | 3,0 – 3,5 |
Colour | colorless to pale blue or violet if transparent; white, mauve, rose, pale brown or gray from included impurities; colorless in transmitted light |
Streak | white |
Luminescence | possible |
Luster | vitreous |
Transparency (Opacity) | transparent to translucent |
Cleavage | perfect |
Fracture | uneven to splintery |
Magnetism | negative |
Geological Setting | a major component in sedimentary evaporite deposits and in the cap rocks above salt domes, commonly formed by dehydration of gypsum; in igneous rocks |
Specific Gravity | 2,95 g/cm3 |