
Formula | CaCO3 |
Origin | Gordonsville Mine (USA) |
Description | several calcite scalenohedra on matrix |
Classification (Lapis) | Carbonates |
Crystal System | hexagonal |
Hardness | 3,0 |
Colour | cochineal-red, ruby-red, purplish red, to nearly black |
Streak | white |
Luminescence | frequently |
Luster | vitreous |
Transparency (Opacity) | transparent to opaque |
Cleavage | perfect |
Fracture | conchoidal |
Magnetism | negative |
Geological Setting | a major rock-forming mineral; in limestones, marbles, chalks, a common cement in clastic sedimentary rocks, and as gangue in hydrothermal veins |
Specific Gravity | 2,71 g/cm3 |
#© Mark Holtkamp