
Formula | alpha-Fe3+O(OH) |
Origin | Mina Filon Sur, Alosno (Spanien) |
Description | rod-shaped brown partly iridescent goethite |
Classification (Lapis) | Hydroxides |
Crystal System | monoclinic |
Hardness | 5,0 – 5,5 |
Colour | blackish brown; yellowish to reddish brown in massive aggregates, may be banded |
Streak | brownish |
Luminescence | none observed |
Luster | metallic |
Transparency (Opacity) | opaque |
Cleavage | perfect |
Fracture | uneven |
Magnetism | negative |
Geological Setting | a common weathering product derived from numerous iron-bearing minerals in oxygenated environments |
Specific Gravity | 4,28 g/cm3 |
#© Mark Holtkamp