
Formula | AsS |
Origin | Jiepaiyu Mine (Shimen Mine; Realgar Mine), China |
Description | Intense red coloured sinter from Realgar. |
Classification (Lapis) | Sulfides |
Crystal System | Monoclinic |
Hardness | 1,5 – 2,0 |
Colour | Red to yellow-orange; in polished section, pale gray, with abundant yellow to red internal reflections |
Streak | Red-orange to red |
Luminescence | none observed |
Lustre | Resinous to greasy |
Transparency (Opacity) | Transparent when fresh |
Cleavage | Good |
Fracture | conchoidal, splintery |
Magnetism | no |
Geological Setting | Most commonly as a low-temperature hydrothermal vein mineral associated with As–Sb minerals |
Specific Gravity | 3,9 g/cm3 |
#© Mark Holtkamp