
Formula | Cu(Co, Ni)2S4 |
Origin | Mashamba West Mine, Kolwezi (DR Congo) |
Description | highly lustrous cube-shaped carollite crystal on matrix |
Classification (Lapis) | Sulfides |
Crystal System | cubic |
Hardness | 4,5 – 5,5 |
Colour | pale gray to steel-gray, tarnishing easily to copper-red or violet-gray |
Streak | grey-black |
Luminescence | none observed |
Lustre | metallic |
Transparency (Opacity) | opaque |
Cleavage | imperfect |
Fracture | uneven to subconchoidal |
Magnetism | negative |
Geological Setting | In hydrothermal vein deposits |
Specific Gravity | 4,83 g/cm3 |