Please note: This riebeckite is not shaped asbesos like.
Formula | Na2[(Fe2+;Mg)3Fe3+2]Si8O22(OH)2 |
Origin | Thor Gar (Pakistan) |
Description | sharp dark green Riebeckite crytals on matrix |
Classification (Lapis) | Amphiboles |
Crystal System | monoclinic |
Hardness | 6 |
Colour | lack, dark blue; dark blue to yellow-green |
Streak | green to brown |
Luminescence | none observed |
Lustre | vitreous |
Transparency (Opacity) | semitransparent |
Cleavage | perfect |
Fracture | conchoidal to unven |
Magnetism | negativ |
Geological Setting | In alkalic granites and syenites |
Specific Gravity | 3,38 g/cm3 |